“His commandments are not burdensome.” 1 John 5:3(b).
Some people think God’s commandments are burdensome. When you think about it, you would agree with what the Bible says in today’s Bible insight. “His (God’s) commandments are not burdensome. We can compare our insight to what Jesus said, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30). The commandments of God found in the pages of the Bible are not burdensome. They make your life easier, less onerous, and happier.
For example, love one other is a commandment of God. If you love all people, then your life would become much less stressful, more relaxed, and joyful. We ought to love all people regardless of color, race, financial status, or social status. Try this and discover how happy and less burdened your life would become.
Forgive one another is a commandment of God. If we do not forgive, we would become a victim of our adversaries. This is the only result of unforgiveness. We keep grudge and anger in our mind and become a prisoner. However, if we forgive from our heart, even if that person asks for forgiveness or not, then our life becomes more comfortable and less burdensome. We can move on freely without being a prisoner of our adversaries.
Sexual purity is a commandment of God. It does not curtain our freedom. On the contrary, it enhances and increases our freedom. It offers you freedom from bondage, guilt-filled life, stress-free life, and dire consequences. You see, many people think sexual freedom gives them freedom and happiness. However, later they painfully experience the effects of sexual sins. Sexual sins create havoc in individuals, family and communities’ life. The sexual tie is tough to break because, in sexual engagements, two bodies and souls are tied together. They become one flesh. The more soul ties one has the more bondage, absence of peace, and frustration one experiences.
You see, God’s commandments are for our wellbeing and good health. Believe what God says. He is our creator, and He knows what harms us. God’s commandments are to protect our peace and wellbeing. Bible says Jesus Christ can set you free. If you are already living in disobedience, make a U-turn and run toward the loving God now. Do not let yourselves again burdened by another yoke of slavery. Not obeying God brings people under the yoke of slavery.
Beloved, I do not know your current condition. However, help is available even if you are currently under the bondage of addictions and sins. The divine deliverance and freedom are in and through the Son of God, Jesus Christ. If you come to him, he will set you free from your bondage of sins. He rescues the people who are under bondage. Bible says He recovers and transfers people from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, which is God’s kingdom. (Colossians 1:13).
This is because Jesus paid His divine and sinless blood as a price (ransom) for your sins and addictions. When you come to Him, he delivers you from your sins and bondages and gives you a brand new life. By accepting Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord, you would be born again into God’s family as God’s child. He will grant you the Holy Spirit inside, an ongoing helper who will help you to break the power of sin in your life.
Got a moment for today’s prayer? “Father in heaven, please deliver me from my sins. I do not know how to stop sinful practices. I cannot stop it. However, you said you would rescue me from the power of darkness and transfer me to the kingdom of your Son, the kingdom of light. I believe Jesus died and paid His blood as a ransom for all of my sins. Please save and deliver me now. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.”
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