In Troubled Times, Counsel Yourself!
“Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.” (Psalms 42:5)
People understand the vital role of counseling when we face challenges and issues in our personal life. The Bible highlights our need for good counsel in many verses. A few examples are: The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel. Proverbs 12:15. “Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in the abundance of counselors, there is [victory. 11:14. Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war.”(Proverbs 20:18).
Did you ever think about the need to counsel our own souls? David used to give counsel to himself, and we can see this in his psalms. In today’s Bible insight, David talked to his soul and asked this question. “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Then he gives a command to his soul. The command is this – “Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.” Essentially, he counseled himself by asking a question and giving a command. He repeated the counsel and commanded his soul twice in this psalm (vs5 and 11).
Beloved, it is essential to counsel ourselves. If we do not advise, who else going to do this? Besides, God’s Holy Spirit inside us helps us to counsel ourselves. Do you know we talk to our souls more often than we speak to others? In troubled times, it is essential to ask questions to ourselves and give Biblical answers to our inner being.
David knew God had never failed him in the past. He knows for sure if he puts his hope in God and praises him, yet, even amid this severe trial, God will break through and help him. God loves the praises of his people. God is present all over the world and everywhere at the same time because God is omnipresent. (Psalm 139). However, do you know God is uniquely present and makes His home on the praise and worship of his people? Psalm 22:3 says, “You make Your home on the praises of Israel.”
The magistrates ordered Paul and Silas to be beaten with rods. Then they were thrown into prison, in the inner cell, and fastened their feet in the stocks. A jailer guarded them in the midnight hours. No human way of escape is possible. If any help was available, it had to come from God. Therefore, Paul and Silas started praying and worshipping God by singing hymns to God. The prisoners listened to them. God sent a violent earthquake; the prison’s foundations were shaken, the doors were open, and chains came loose.
God takes his unique residence and makes it home when you start singing hymns, praising and worshiping him during your fiery trials. Yet another secret to victory in troubled times. Dearly beloved, When all else fails, give yourself counsel as David did. Singing spiritual songs and hymns, praise and worship can get the attention of our loving Lord, and the chains can get loose with divine power.
Got a moment for today’s prayer? “Father in heaven, I place my hope in you. I ask my soul why you are discouraged and instruct my soul to place my full hope in you. May I start singing spiritual songs and hymns of praise and worship, although I do not see your hand yet? You are worthy of being praised. You gave your only Son, Jesus Christ, for all my sins. I am sorry for my sins. Blot out my sins by the blood of Christ. Thank you for your deliverance. In Christ’s name, I pray.”
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