Unconditional Love and Acceptance!
“God has chosen you and made you his holy people. “Colossians 3:12. (NCV)
Brain Tracy, a Canadian-American public speaker, said, “The greatest gift that you can give others is unconditional love and acceptance.” Now, if acceptance and unconditional love is the greatest gift, where would you find them? Our today’s insight answers this question.
George Orwell, an English Novelist, and Journalist, said, “Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
Happiness and acceptance go hand in hand—no happiness without acceptance. The result of acceptance is Happiness.
Bible says God chose you and accepted you not because of the words or deeds you had done but because of His mercy and grace. (2 Timothy 1:9). Because of God’s grace, He made you right in His sight and gave you confidence that you will inherit eternal life the moment you die. All these are based on God’s unconditional love, grace, mercy, and kindness. God’s acceptance and you being right with God is a gift of God and becomes yours forever and ever upon acceptance of the offer. No gift becomes ours unless we accept it and hold it as ours. It is the same with God’s gift.
Our today’s Bible insight says, “God has chosen you and made you his holy people.” In short, listen; you are already chosen and accepted by God. Bible says in Romans 8:33; It is God who justifies you –which means declare you right with God by the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ shed his divine and sinless blood and paid for your sins. Then it says, who can bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? Who can condemn them? The answer is no one can have the right to bring a charge against you and condemn you. God declares you holy and complete because of what Jesus Christ has already done for you, not based on your merit.
You see, when a person comes to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and accept Him as his savior and Lord immediately at the moment, God accepts him as His child. (John 1:12) He is born again into God’s family. However, Jesus also said this, which is recorded in John 6:44, “People cannot come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me.” Therefore, the Father draws a person to come to Christ and accept Him as his or her savior. Therefore, ultimately it is God who chose you, gives you the required faith, and draws you to Jesus Christ so that you can be saved and made holy in His sight.
How many of us want to be accepted by others? All of us, I presume. When chosen or selected out of many, we get excited, thrilled, and joyful. We close our ears with our hands in excitement, clap our hands, and people who watch us chosen are also very happy and joyful. However, our acceptance of this world is usually based on our performance, works, talents, beauty, etc.
If you were accepted and invited by the queen of England and the USA president, how would you feel?
Think now, the God of gods, the Lord of lords, the creator God who is the true source of all good blessings and wonders, has chosen you. How would you feel now? His acceptance of you and His invitation to the ‘white house,’ which is heaven, is not based on anything you ever did. His acceptance of you is solely based on what His Son, Jesus Christ, did for you and your acceptance of His free gift of salvation and eternal life.
If nobody accepts you, do not bother. God has already chosen and accepted you in the person and the work of Jesus Christ. When you understand how big your acceptance is and how high this heavenly call is, your once cherished acceptance of the people and world becomes pale and puny. You would recognize, You are on a higher holy ground than many around you. You would realize you are the partaker of the heavenly calling (Hebrews 3:1). Amazing and wonderful!
God is calling you to become a partaker of heavenly calling – to accept the gift of salvation, the forgiveness of sins, blessings, and eternal life -by inviting His Son, Jesus Christ, into your life.
Got a moment for today’s prayer? “Father in heaven, I accept your gift of acceptance in and through Jesus. I am sorry for my sins, and please forgive me. I believe Jesus died and rose again for me. Please come into my life and save me today. Bless me with your love, forgiveness, and eternal life. I thank you for saving me. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.”
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