“There is a way that appears to be right,
but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12.
You may ask the questions why a way that seems right leads to death. Sometimes we think we know the right action to take and move forward. However, later we find out that was a wrong way, and it led to much regret and destruction. It could be true about an important life decision. It could also be true in non-important decisions.
I believe many of us can look back and agree with today’s Bible verse.
“There is a way that appears to be right,
but in the end it leads to death.”
Indeed, I can agree with today’s verse- because been there and done it. We were convinced it was the right decision only to regret later.
I would suggest a few questions to think through before making major decisions. I learned some of these from my past failures. However, hopefully, these points would avoid pitfalls in your life.
Think through these 15 questions:
What Bible teach/advise about the matter?
Did you seek the Lord’s face in prayer?
What my Bible teacher whom I respect would say on this matter?
What people who have authority over me say about the matter? This includes the law of the land, parents, seniors, etc.
Did I seek good Bible believing people’s counsel in the matter?
Does the decision in par with the way God made me? My personalities, desires, and aspirations?
Do circumstances support this? Do I have other choices or did I consider all the options in front of me prayerfully?
If I make this decision, which way it is going to affect my spiritual life?
Will it make me closer to God or away from God?
Will it affect my family relationships positively or negatively?
Do I have full peace in this decision? Alternatively, am I still divided internally without peace?
Am I rushing into a decision?
Should I wait a little bit more time?
If God closes this door, will I be ok?
Am I fully submitted to God for His will and purposes?
After considering all the above points and of course much prayer, do you sense God says ‘stop’ with alarms going off? Or Do you sense ‘move forward’ in faith and trust in Him? By taking time in answering these questions, you could send an immediate ‘stop’ answer from God. If so stop.
Now if these questions are answered with no potential issues, and if God says ‘move forward,’ then move forward. If in doubt with any of these questions, wait and seek counsel from the Bible-believing teachers/counselors who wish the best for your life in your local church.
Now if you made a decision, you should be courageous in moving forward leaning on the everlasting arms of the Lord. He will help and bless you as time progresses as you continuously lean on Him. Even with the decisions you made after these considerations, you could run into roadblocks, issues, and pains. This is because we live in a broken world and the problem of sin infiltrates people and earth. However, the consequences, pains, and sufferings would be less severe once you considered the above-cited points. We have to reap the results of our choices. It is a principle of God. (Galatians 6:7-8). However, if you are a child of God, remember God never leaves you nor forsake you even if you already made a bad decision. Once you truly repent, God comes for your defense and rescue. He divinely works in the midst of the mess you made because His Son, Jesus Christ, died in your place for your shortcomings and sins.
If you have not come to the loving God in and through Jesus Christ, come now and get forgiveness and reconciliation with God. God loves you and wants to save and bless you today. Will you come?
Pray after me. “Father in heaven, I know you want to bless me and forgive my sins. I believe Your Son, Jesus Christ, died in my place for all of my sins. I accept Him as my savior and Lord. Please forgive me and bless me today. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.”
My name is Sam. Please send me your comments and prayer requests. My passion is reaching out to you personally with Bible articles, insights and in-depth topics so that you can know the eternal truth which can set you free. The truth presented in the pages of the Bible can set you free from man made traditions, bondages, addictions, sinful lifestyles and evil powers. My goal is to expose the Bible truths so that you will find true freedom and eternal life in Christ. There is no other place and no other person or name who can forgive your sins, makes you free from traditions, bondages, addictions and evil powers to grant you peace in this world apart from the name of Christ Jesus. Not only Christ can make you free but can give you eternal life in heaven. Christ can change your future address from hell to heaven because He paid for all of your sins by carrying your sins on His body on the Cross.
I invite you to start reading the most wonderful book called the Bible and pray God to reveal the truth to you. And then taste and see how God will reveal Him to you through the pages of the Bible.
Kindly let me know if you have questions or prayer requests.
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