Changing Paradigm, but only one never changes!
“My God is changeless in his love for me, and he will come and help me.” Psalms 59:10 TLB
I suppose everything in this world changes- weather, friends, dear ones in our life-all includes in this estimation. I do not know any of my elementary school friends today. Out of my middle and high school friends, I talk to only one friend now and he lives on another continent. College friends- most of them are unknown to me now. This may be especially true of me because I was grown up, went to school and colleges at an early age in another part of the world. Now I live thousands of miles away from there.
However, it is true even where I lived for the last 30 plus years now, many people came into my life and most of them are unknown to me now. Family is not different. My father whom I respected and loved dearly went to be with the Lord 15 years ago. Most of my uncles and aunties are no more with us. My mom is still alive and I thank God for her. We do not know how long she is going to live on this earth.
Beloved, we witness changes everywhere. Climate changes, culture shifts. People’s behavior and attitude changes, career, bank balances, and health conditions change. All are unpredictable and prone to change. Sometimes, the thought of changes terrifies us. We wonder where are we heading with all these changes.
Do you know the one that has never changed? In the changing paradigm of everything around us, truly only one that does not change- God, his love, and care. The Bible clearly and distinguishably declares the unchanging lovingkindness and mercies of God in its pages.
Today’s insight says “My God is changeless in his love for me, and he will come and help me.” Only one thing you can count on in an ever-changing world. God and his love. You see, God is consistent in His presence with you and his love toward you. David is the author of Psalm 59. He went through holocaust experiences in his life. One day in the mountains and forests, the next day in the palace, then in the caves in fear running for life. A shepherd boy to a king. Then major sins happened and became the object of severe guilt, shame, ridicule, and running for life hiding in caves. Crying nights and days. Then restoration to the lost position of the king again. If any person who was fit to testify the eternal truth of the changeless love of God, it is David for sure, don’t you agree?
Stephen Chbosky said, “Things change, And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.” However, God doesn’t change, He doesn’t leave and He stops for anybody if called upon Him. God is not a man to change. He is God from eternity past to eternity future. Listen: He loved David in eternity past and chose him in His love and kingdom. If he chose him in eternity past with no merit of his own but only based on His love and mercy, then he would not stop his love for David in this brief parenthesis called ‘his lifetime’ in which he lived.
The same is true about you. God loved you in the past, He chose you in the past even before he created this world, He loves you now and he continues to love you throughout the future eternity. David sought God and his offer of love in his lifetime. Therefore, he could rely on God’s love throughout the shifting times of his life. God’s changeless love was like a rock foundation on which he built his life. Do you know, you and I can build our life on that solid foundation?
You see, God offers his love, mercy, grace, and salvation freely. The only thing you would need to do is come and receive it. Don’t we know no gifts become ours until we accept and have them? A gift remains as a gift unpossessed until you have it as your own. Suppose you got a wristwatch for Christmas. As long as it remains packed in the gift box, it is not yours. However, when you take it from the gift box and wear it in your beautiful hand, then you have it and own it.
God offers his changeless love, forgiveness, grace, and salvation based on what Jesus Christ did for you. He calls you to come and accept His Son, Jesus Christ. When you accept the gift of Jesus, His Son, you have it all. It is that simple. I would be a fool if I do not accept His offer of changeless love and mercy, wouldn’t I?
Beloved, accept God’s love by accepting Jesus Christ. Then all of God’s love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, salvation, eternal life, heavenly inheritances become yours. Moreover, when you receive God’s love in the person of Jesus Christ, then you are divinely equipped to freely and unconditionally love others.
Got a moment for today’s prayer? “Father in heaven, thank you for reminding me today that your love for me is changeless. All may change, but you and your love, mercy, and kindness would never change from me. You promised me. I believe it. I believe Jesus died and rose again for my sins. I accept him as my savior and Lord. Fill in me your divine love that I would be equipped to love others without condition and stipulations. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.”
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