You Need Both the Word of God and The Holy Spirit!
“The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you”. John 14:26.
You need both the knowledge of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to live a healthy and fruitful spiritual life. In some circles, they give all the importance to the Word of God (the Bible) and less importance to the role of the Holy Spirit. In other circles, they give all the priority to the Holy Spirit and less priority to know the Word of God.
Beloved, you need both. Bible says the Holy Spirit is the helper, teacher, reminder, and guide. He comes to your special situation to help you. He teaches you what you should know. He reminds you of things about God and Christ. He guides you into all the truth. (John 16:13).
However, the truth is this – The Holy Spirit of God helps, teaches, reminds, and guides with the eternal Word of God. Therefore, the awareness and a pretty good understanding of the Bible, the Word of God, is cardinal for Him to help, teach, remind and guide you into all the truth. Jesus said in his conversation with the heavenly Father and it is recorded in John 17:17. He said, “sanctify them by the truth, Your Word is truth.” The Holy Spirit of God guides you to all the truth the Word of God declares in the pages of the Bible.
Bible says it is by the preaching of the Word of God and work of the third person of the triune God- the Holy Spirit- a person understand about Sin, righteousness, and judgment. (Romans 10:14-16 and John 16:7-11). It is the same after you believed and accepted Christ Jesus as your savior.
I would recommend you to start reading the Bible from the beginning to the end and let the Holy Spirit of God draw you closer to the loving God. If you are not a believer as of yet, I would recommend you to start reading the Gospel of John in the New Testament section of the Bible. The reason is this the Gospel of John is simple and easy to read and understand. It will provide some immediate answers to your questions regarding, salvation, forgiveness, and everlasting life.
Either way, beloved, you need to read the Bible as many times as you can, so that the Holy Spirit is able to help, teach, remind, guide you in the most efficient way. The Holy Spirit and His work are not mystical as some people may wrongly imagine. The Holy Spirit of God uses the truths in the Bible to help you. If you think or feel like doing something that is not in the Bible, then you know right away, the source is not the Holy Spirit. Such things come only from human feelings, thoughts, or from evil one. Therefore, it is vital to know the truth of the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit of God to guide you into all the truths.
Your feeling or thought process must be according to the written, eternal Word of God. Then you know for sure the Holy Spirit is helping, reminding, teaching, and guiding you. The Holy Spirit still uses the Bible verses I memorized at an early age when I am faced with issues and up to make decisions. For example: as a believer in Christ, if you feel you want to marry an unbeliever who made no serious commitment to the Lord, the source is your feeling, not the Holy Spirit. Check with what the Bible says. It says, “do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14. This is just one small example. May your thought and decision process be guided by the written Word of God and the illumination of the Word by the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Bible and the Holy Spirit always walk in total unity. Holy Spirit never contradicts the written Word of God in the Bible.
Beloved, if you are not a believer in Jesus Christ, you do not have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of God is given to those who come and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. The first thing is you come to Him and believe God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save forgive, and grant you eternal life. There starts the beginning of a highly rewarding love journey with the creator of the whole world. He grants His Holy Spirit inside you to help, teach, remind and guide you throughout your life.
Got a moment for today’s prayer? “Father in heaven, thank you for letting me know the importance of the Word of God (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit in my life. Help me to read and understand the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to help, teach, remind and guide me into all the truth. I believe Jesus Christ died and rose again for my sins. I accept him as my savior and Lord. Please save me and grant me your Holy Spirit as you promised. I repent of my sins and turn to you now. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.”
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