Know the truth!
“Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation”. Psalm 25:5.
You must have at least four truth awareness in your heart. And these are- to know the truth about God, to know the truth about you, to know people around you, and to know the future. This pretty much covers all.
About God. God is the creator of all the things you see around you. Not only he is the creator, but he is also the owner of all. You see, because God is the creator, then succeeds the truth that He is the true owner of all. You may look at your children or spouse and may think they belong to you. However, the truth is they belong to God first. He is the owner of all the land and properties. He temporarily gives you the title of the land and other things for your enjoyment and stewardship. However, no one knows how long you would own. Only God knows. Another person comes along in the future and owns it. This is true of children, spouse, properties, and all. Also, remember He is the possessor of all. He possesses it, although he would give you to handle it for some time. God expects you to be a faithful steward of all that he provides to you. A steward is a person who manages or takes care of the things of others. You manage and take care of things that belong to God. Bible says in 1st Corinthians 4:2 a steward must be faithful to their master. NASB translates, “it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.” You must be a faithful steward for all God handed over to you.
Now God is triune. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father initiated the plan of salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. God the Son implemented it on the cross by shedding His blood for your sake. God the Holy Spirit gives you the awareness of sin and judgment, leads you to the feet of Christ, and keeps you safe by giving you needed help, counsel, advice, and teaching until you reach heaven at the time of your death.
About You: You have a basic issue that hinders a relationship and fellowship with Holy God. And that is Sin. Sin is the reason for the death of humanity. There is no cure man could find for the sin or death issues. All the people are in the same predicament. Originally in the Garden of Eden, God and our first parents had a close and loving fellowship until sin entered and they disobeyed God. Like an apple begets an apple, sin nature is carried over to all of Adam’s posterity. There is no distinction – All are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. This is the first understanding you must have about yourself. As a sinner, you need a savior who is strong and perfect in all ways. A man can not save another person regarding the sin nature because all men are in the same condition of living under the influence of sin. Therefore, the savior must be outside of us and sinless and perfect for saving people from their sins. The Bible says, Because of His love, God sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. God took the first step toward a solution. God put all your debts of sin on the body of Christ, and then Jesus voluntarily died in your place, was buried, and rose again victoriously, defeating sin and the resultant death. When a person accepts God’s Son, Jesus, as his or her savior, you are saved forever—saved permanently. You are granted and sealed with God’s Holy Spirit, guarantying eternal life with God and Christ in heaven at the time of your death. You are justified by the work of Christ and your acceptance of Him as your savior.
About other people:
Other people are in the same predicament as you. They also need the savior whom God sent for salvation, forgiveness, and eternal life. Because all people are sinners, understand you will get hurt by other people’s words and actions. An understanding of this truth would help you not to get stressed when your expectations are hurt by other people. Pain-free life and no breaking experiences are not possible on this side of heaven because you deal and mingle with people who are sinners. Sin could be self-caused or others-caused. The sinful nature of you and other people never goes away on this side of eternity, although the Holy Spirit inside you, whom you receive at the time of the acceptance of Jesus Christ, continuously helps you to grow in him and bear spiritual fruit rather than the fruit of the flesh. This is called sanctification or spiritual growth.
About the future: God has in store a perfect landing for those who come to Christ Jesus in faith and trust. We may face holocaust experiences now, but the future looks bright and excellent for a person who obeys God by coming to His Son, Jesus Christ. Your death is not the end of life. At the time of death, you go to live with God in heaven because you called upon the name of the savior of the whole world – Jesus Christ. You will receive glorified brand-new heavenly bodies. Your body would look like the body of Christ after the resurrection. Here now, God is on your side when you face difficulties, trials, and issues. He answers your prayer. He guides, helps and leads you to the end because you belong to Him.
A person who accepts Christ as the savior is justified, sanctified, and glorified. All these are used in the past tense, which means a believer in Christ already receives all these. The future is blessed, much hopeful, and bright.
There are more things to know in all the above four categories. God communicated more about Him, you, the people around you, and the future in the pages of the Bible. The more you get familiar with the pages of the Bible, the more equipped and blessed your life becomes.
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