Do you know you can track the origins?
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
“So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27
People generally want to know their origins. “A family tree is a diagram showing the relationships between people in several generations of a family; a genealogical tree.” The idea became popular in recent years.
The family trees are created so that people can figure out the origins of their ancestors. How did it all begin is a curious and thrilling search with high rewarding potentials.
When it comes to your search for the origins, no other book on this planet stands compared to the Scripture called the Bible. It alone accurately report the origins. The first book of the Bible called Genesis would satisfy your thirst and hunger for the truth of the origins.
Beloved, God wants you to know how did it all begin. He wants to communicate the truth of origins to all people who want to know. You see, the Bible is not originated here on the earth but came from heaven-God breathed (2nd Timothy 3:16) and God-inspired servants wrote it when they were carried along by the Holy Spirit of God. (2nd Peter 1:21).
Genesis, the first book of the Bible gives a truthful account of the creation of the earth and time. It also says how the earth was before its creation. (Genesis 1:2). It gives an account of the creation of the whole universe including the heavens, the solar system that includes sun, moon, and stars. It says how the plants, animals, and creatures were created along with a detailed report about how man and woman were created and why there is a clear distinction between human beings and other creatures. (Genesis chapter 1:27).
The first book of the Bible, Genesis, also reports the origin of marriage and family. (Genesis 2:18-25). It reveals the parties God intended to be in the marriage relationship. It says God saw it is not good for the man to be alone. He said, “I will make a helper suitable for him.” (2:18). Adam was amazed at the beauty of the woman God made for him. Adam called her woman because she was taken out of man. Adam also said she is his own -bone of bone and flesh of flesh. This is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. (2:23-24).
We see evil things happening to people in our newspapers and TV channels. Genesis accounts for the entrance of evil into the life of human beings (Genesis 3) and although it was sad that evil entered into this earth, it says how God would be triumphant over the evil. It says how He would conquer the evil entered and spread around the world. The solution of evil is capsulated with a promise in this book. (3:15). The book describes gives the family tree of the genealogy of people by giving the names of the children of our first parents and down through their children, grandchildren, and so-forth (chapters 2-5). In short, you can meticulously track down the genealogy from Adam in the pages of Genesis if you study the family tree provided in this first book. God shows how sin entered, and the promise of the seed of the woman would eventually be fulfilled. He tracks the line through whom the promise would be fulfilled in time. The listing of the genealogy is aimed at showing how the promised savior (3:15) would come to this earth through the seed of the woman. (fulfilled in Jesus Christ). Genesis also explains how so many different languages came into being and the institution of the human government. (Chapter 11 and chapter 9:5-6).
Bible, especially the first book-Genesis-is the true source of all origins. If you are curious about the origins, check it out. It has a lot of information about origins. Bible says in Genesis that that man is the epitome of all of his creation on this earth. It says the man was created in the image of God. (1:27). It says in His own image he created man. Besides, it says man is given the role of the vice-regent to rule over all other created beings. (1:28). He was given the responsibility to take care of the land and all it contains faithfully.
“Father in heaven, I thank you that you provided in the Bible what I should I know about my origins. I understand you created the heavens and the earth. I also understood you created mankind in your own image and you created them male and female. Although sin and evil entered into this world you promised a way out of it, and that way is the way of the savior of the whole world-Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came, died, and rose again for my sins as the fulfillment of the promise given in Genesis 3:15. I accept Him as my savior. Please save me and help me to know more about you and your works in the pages of the Bible. In the name of Christ, I pray. Amen.”
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