Have you considered the indescribable gifts in Christ Jesus?
“Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.” (Romans 8:17).
I recently read about two homeless brothers who inherited 100 million Euros. Zsolt and Geza Peladi were so poor that they did not have a home. But lived in a cave outside Budapest, Hungary, and sold scrap they found on the street for pennies. They lived in the streets without knowing of their immense fortune. They knew that their mother came from a wealthy family. However, she was difficult to live with and severed ties with her children and their father. Now they live in the USA with all the comforts because of the huge inheritance they received from their mother.
Beloved, the Bible says you are hundreds and thousands of times more blessed when you accept Jesus as your savior and Lord. God gives you His Holy Spirit inside you. You do not live in a fear-based on your life circumstances because you are the heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. You become a child of God, and you have the freedom to call Him “Abba Father,” a very dear, intimate, and loving name. We can call God like we call our earthly father.
Moreover, the Bible says you became a citizen of heaven. (Philippians 3:20.) I live in the USA and a citizen here. To get citizenship in the USA is not easy. However, do you know what? The USA is not even remotely comparable to the most wonderful place, called heaven. You became a citizen of heaven when you accepted Jesus as your savior. All the legal and paper works for your heavenly citizenship were completed and awarded the title ‘citizen of heaven’ at the moment of your prayer to accept Jesus in your life. Jesus Christ paid all the cost of the filing court work fees by His divine and sinless blood. Nothing would get wash away your sins and shortcomings to become a citizen of heaven—only the blood of Christ.
Besides, you are granted all the fortunes and inheritance of heaven because you are now adopted to God’s household in and through the merit of Jesus Christ. It is a done deal.
You see, not only you are a child of God, a citizen of heaven but also the decision to give you all the ‘inheritance of heaven’ was also settled in the heavenly court even before the foundations of the world. (Ephesians 1:3-6), Bible says in 1 Peter 1:4, God calls you into the inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This heavenly inheritance is kept personally for you in heaven.
This is a matter of great joy and rejoices while living on this earth and facing various trials and difficulties. Your sufferings based on your acceptance of Jesus as your savior and various other sufferings as a Christ-follower make you more and more eligible to share in His glory in the future.
Oftentimes, we are afraid about our circumstances, and we think we do not have enough resources or helps. However, keep in mind that God has all resources for you at His disposal. Bible says all greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor belong to Him. It also says everything in heaven and earth belongs to Him. (1 Chronicle 29:11). And you are a child of God and therefore the inheritor of all God’s inheritance. You are not just a believer or decreed saint of God based on the efficacy of the blood of Christ, but also you have all heaven’s blessings at your disposal because you belong to God’s family and are His child.
Dearly beloved, slowly read today’s insights. Because you accepted Christ as your savior, you are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.
Now the billion-dollar question is this – did you accept Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him as your savior and Lord as of yet? Listen! God sent His only begotten Son to this world and allowed Him to die on the cross for all of your sins to reconcile you with Him and grant free entrance into heaven and His inheritance. Not based on your merit. But based on the merit of Jesus Christ. Remember, you become the heir of God and co-heir with Christ. If you have not made the most important decision for eternity in heaven and God’s wonderful inheritance, I will help you to come to Jesus and become a child of God in a small prayer. It does not matter how far you are away from God. God loves you. You may think you are not worthy to come to God because of your past. Satan may tell you are not good or worthy. However, the truth is this – God loves you so deeply, and that is why He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for you. Jesus loves you, and that is why He died for all your sins and shortcomings. You are more valuable than the whole world in the sight of God. (Mark 8:36).
Got a moment for today’s prayer? “Father in heaven, I come to you and accept Jesus Christ as my savior and Lord. I believe Jesus died, buried, and rose again for all of my sins. I invite Him to my life. Please forgive my sins. I turn from my sins to you now. Thank you for giving me eternal life and all your inheritance in heaven. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray.”
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