Who is Really Jesus? The facts about Him. (Part 5)
“He is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17.
“Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am.” John 8:58.
We understood from the prior daily insights that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the radiance of God’s glory, and the exact representation of His nature.
Today’s insights remind us that Jesus is before all things, and in Him, all things hold together. The verse just prior (vs.16) says this about Jesus. It says all things were created in him, through him, and for him. This is an interesting and amazing revelation. Whatever things that are created- things in heaven, on earth, visible and invisible to us, all the thrones or powers or rulers or authorities -all things have been created in him, through him and for him.
What does this mean? It means All things-things in heaven, on earth, visible and invisible, all powers and authorities, authorities-were made by and through the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus is before the creation of all. Jesus himself said to the Jews who are proud of Abraham that “before Abraham was born, I AM.” He is the great I AM of the Bible (Exodus 3:14). The equality of Jesus with YHWH is revealed when He said, “before Abraham was born, I AM.” He created time, and consequently, He is “I AM” always. He created time and is outside time and its restriction. He is eternal. I know it is beyond simple human imagination-He wraps past and future into the present reality. The I AM. Abraham was, Moses was, Adam was. But He is I AM.
Beloved, Let me give you a little more explanation about the Great I AM of the Bible. Gospel of John 1:1-3 says this about the Word who created all. ‘Word’ is Jesus. Now listen slowly and carefully.
“In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made.”
You see, the Word was with God. Remember, Genesis 1 records the power of the Word of God created all. At the apex of creation, God said, “Let us create man in our own image.” The plurality and the triune nature of God are revealed to us right at the beginning of the Bible in the first chapter of the Bible’s first book.
Now read John 1:14 to figure out who the Word is. It says, “The Word became a human and lived among us. We saw his glory—the glory that belongs to the only Son of the Father—and he was full of grace and truth,” referring to the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Remember, every time a new birth happens, a new person and personality appear on this earth, not so with Jesus. He is before all things. He is the cause, reason, and goal of all creation. A person who is always in existence invaded our earth in the person of Christ. Micah the prophet says this about the birthplace (Bethlehem) of Jesus hundreds of years before- He said “His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity”. Micah 5:2
As Jesus Himself revealed the I AM of the Scripture incarnated and lived among us. His glory was the glory of the only Son of the Father God-full of grace and truth. Moreover, He is the one who holds all things that are created together wonderfully and systematically in an organized manner. He is the creator, sustainer, goal, and end of all creation.
Listen: I do not want to mention any names. No other religious gurus who are highly honored and followed by millions of people in religious groups-whether Eastern, Middle Eastern, or anywhere originated, can or would say, they were with God in the beginning. Nor would they say they are God. Moreover, none of them would be bold enough to say they existed before all things, and they created all things. They would not dare to say all things in this universe are held together by them. Only Jesus has that claim undisputed.
The second person in the triune God invaded into this earth to save you from the kingdom of darkness and transfer you into The kingdom of His love. He came with a purpose as a fulfillment of God’s hundreds of promises in the Scripture to help you come closer to Him- to touch, listen, and feel diety in your personal life. In John 1: 12, John says God gave the right to become His children to all who would accept and believe in Jesus Christ.
Would you come to Jesus? I will help you to become a Child of God with a small prayer with me now.
“Father in heaven, I understand the greatness of the only savior Jesus Christ for humanity. I believe your Word that says He is before all things, He created all things, and He sustains and holds together all. I can know the invisible God the Father in the person and work of Jesus. I believe Jesus came, died, buried, and rose again to save me from my sins and make me your child. I want to become your Child, and I accept Jesus as my savior now. Please forgive all of my sins and grant me salvation and eternal life. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.”
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