How did it all happen? Who created God?
Science has two main theories about the origin of the universe. The old theory is steady-state theory and the new one is big bang theory. The steady-state theory maintains the idea of expanding the universe. The matter is continuously formed to create brand new stars and galaxies. It does not state any beginning or end in time.
According to the big bang, all the matter, space, and energy came into being in an explosive beginning, while steady-state idea matter was increasingly been created throughout all the time in the past, present, and future. In contrast, the big bang hypothesis supports a singular event that caused the beginning of the universe. Many new studies after 1950 showed much support to the big-bang idea. To this hypothesis, the universe has a beginning for sure contrary to the previous idea. How did this beginning happen? Science has no definite answer even up to this point. Big bang gives the idea the universe came into being out of nothing. However, this is in contradiction to the prevailing universal thought that things cannot emerge from nothing.
The principle of causality says all has a beginning. Isn’t true everything we see has a beginning? Yes. Therefore big-bang agrees the universe came into being a big bang- a series of sudden acts. That was the cause of the beginning of all. But big bang cannot explain more than this.
When you think the big bang findings and compare with the universal thought of causality –all caused by something else, we have the answer to the ‘big bang’ in the Bible.
The Bible begins by saying, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The Bible unambiguously, loudly and clearly states God created the universe and all in it. If it should say in the beginning God created, then naturally God existed prior to the beginning of all we see in this universe. Psalms 90:2 says, “Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” The beginning is the time when uncaused and un-began God formed the earth and the world, mountains, land, and hills all.
You see, God is separate from the creation. God is another reality. He is separate from creation. If you created something-say it automobile, artwork, buildings or whatever, then you are not part of it. You are not an element in it. You are outside of it because you created it.
Then who created God? This is a mind-boggling question for many. The principle of causality says all has a beginning. It is true that everything we see has a cause or beginning. Even the big bang theory admits the universe came into being by a big bang. It has a beginning. However, Listen! God is separate. He is not physical or material. Everything we see here on this planet earth and in the universe has a beginning. That is the beginning Genesis 1:1 talks about- “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” However, God is outside the beginning. Time originated at the time of the beginning. However, God is outside of the time, because God has no beginning and no end. God is spiritual.
You see, physical laws do not need to be applicable to spiritual. Physical laws of beginning and causality are only applicable to the material world and universe. However, spiritual is a different reality and it works in its own way different from physical. Hebrews 11:3 (b) says, “what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” People think all has a beginning. Therefore God also must have a beginning. However, it is not so. The universe was not made out of physical, material realities. The visible world was made out of what was invisible. What is invisible, indescribable, spiritual is a different category.
When we look at the powerful, gigantic machine called the universe and wonder how it all works in its organized and structured way, all have to admit there is super energy or power behind it. No-one can deny it. If you want to make a car you should place the engine and supply fuel and battery power to give the needed power and energy. How about his super gigantic and unfathomable machine called the universe? How the sun rises every day, set every day and comes again in an organized way? Where is the super energy of just one item- sun- coming from? How all the millions and millions of stars and galaxies work together and run in its own assigned paths? What is the energy used for a seed to sprout and become a small plant? You see, there is a superpower behind this universe to get it going and function with high energy, coordination, and accuracy. This is why I said, God is a different category. God cannot be caused by anything else. God existed from everlasting to everlasting. He is the one who formed and created the whole universe and all in it and he is not part of it. Only one being out of it, eternal, everlasting and out of the restriction of time can create such an amazing, mindboggling machine called the universe with its power, energy, and accuracy.
Somehow, we can think only in one category in our puny mind. This is why people had difficulty in understanding the existence of God. However, God is beyond our understanding. He is in the spiritual realm. You cannot grab hold of the existence of God by your physical reasoning or thinking. You can know God, not with your physical eyes and thought process. Take a look at the roof above this earth – the sky. How amazing, beautiful and gigantic it is? Fox News yesterday in their morning new showed a beautiful, color-filled morning sun-rise. Beautiful beyond human explanation. It looked like an amazing artwork but no human would or could make such beautiful art. Bible says in Psalm 19:1, “the heavens declare the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” Romans 1:20 says, since the very creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power, and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from his workmanship, so that men are without excuse.” Romans 1:19 says, what may be known about God is plain to people, because God has made it plain to them.
Not by your puny reasoning, but only by exercising the power of faith that God gives, you would come to the true conclusion that the universe was formed at God’s command. To a rational mind, the universe with all its beauty and order cannot come out of nothing. It needs more faith in believing a chaos sudden explosion is a cause for all we see around us.
It appears to rational minds that the Big bang was actually God and his series of creations in a seven day time period (read Genesis 1). The thought makes more sense than a random uncaused explosion is a reason behind the universe. The big bang of God’s creation at a specific time period by the powerful word of God. Genesis 1 describes how it all began. “God said”, and “it was so.” The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6, “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and the He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Do you want to seek God diligently? If we want to know the truth and seek Him honestly, he will reward you with the truth. God’s revelation of His eternality and all the truth begins when you search Him wholeheartedly and diligently.
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