When you are faced with heartbreaking and humanly impossible situations, what would you do?
I would bring to your attention what Job did. And, of course, he did the right thing. What else he could do? I am glad he did what he did.
1 Job 1:20, “Then he fell to the ground in worship and said, “naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” In all this, the job did not sin by charging God.”
Few things we can emulate:
First: He fell to the ground and worshipped. He acknowledged the sovereignty of God in his life and challenges. Worship must be the first step a distressing person should take for healing and deliverance. An attitude of total surrender to the Almighty God who can only help save us when the humanly impossible hit our lives.
Second: Job remembered the past faithfulness of God to him. He said naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave all he had, and he can take away all he has if he wishes. An estimation and confession that we are not in control; but God is.
Third: In his testing, hurting, and stress-filled season, Job didn’t accuse God by charging Him with any wrongdoing.
When get hurt, stressed, or walking through hard times, you need God’s attention and help. You may be faced with the enemy of your soul (the devil), human enemies, sickness, and financial and relationship hardships. Only God and His omnipotent power are truly able and willing to help in those harrowing times.
The way to God’s attention is worship and hard prayers. , the man Job was sincere and faithful. He worshipped God when he lost all. He thought about God’s hand of help in the past, and he acknowledged God in his difficulties. He was determined that he would not accuse or charge God for any wrongdoings.
The man, Job, came out fine with a double portion of blessings at the end. It was not an immediate deliverance, but God came through in His time and the deliverances he received from His hand were awesome.
Listen! You too can obtain magnificent solutions to your heartbreaks when you worship, acknowledge the Lord amid it all, and pray for help.
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