Shamgar has a lesson for all of us- Act today and use what you have!
“After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel”. Judges 3:31.
There is only verse said in the Bible about Shamgar and that is quoted above. After Joshua died, Israel plunged into a dark age for about 350 years. During this period God raised ‘judges’ to deliver Israel from the oppression of their enemies. Eli and Samuel were the last two judges before the dawn of the monarchy in Israel and Saul was the first monarch.
Only very limited information is given about this historical figure but much to learn from this one small verse described him. These are the things we know about Shamgar-
- He became a judge after Ehud’s term
- He was the son of Anath
- He struck down 600 Philistines just with an oxgoad.
- He too saved Israel from their enemies.
That’s it! no more information provided. An ‘oxgoad’ is a farming equipment used in the olden days to guide or spur oxen when it pulled a plow or cart. This was a wooden equipment, approximately eight feet long, had an iron spike or point at one end. It was also used to round up the cattle.
The Philistines were the enemies of Israel who mainly occupied the southwest part of Israel. They were very aggressive warriors and Bible inform us they tried to attack Israel many times in the olden days. The name came from a Hebrew word “Philistia” and the Greek name was “philistine” from where the modern name of “Palestine” derives.
Shamgar has only an oxgoad to face with the aggressive Philistines and he used what he has in his possession and did what he can at the critical moment and God miraculously saved Israel through his simple but timely effort.
- Watch out three points from this lesson:Shamgar used what he had in possession at that critical time.
- Shamgar did what he can at that critical time
- When he used what he already had and did what he can, God came through Him and saved Israel from Philistines.
Do you remember a similar and familiar story in the New Testament? Five thousand men plus their wives and children were fed by five loaves and two fishes. The disciples thought in their human way- what is five loaves and two fishes to this huge crowd of eight to ten thousand people? But when they acknowledged the fact that they have five loaves and two fishes (in the custody of a small boy) and was willing to give to Him, Jesus asked the disciples to make the multitude sit on the grass and He blessed five loaves and two fishes and all ate and fully satisfied and remained pieces were gathered up in to twelve baskets.
My dear one, God’s principle is the same all through the ages. God can use whatever small you have provided you are willing to give to Him. Don’t forget to remember this truth – If you are willing to be used by God, God will step in and will do big things through you. Do you have a willingness to be used by God?
You know this without much saying that world is a critical time right now. Bible prophecies for the end times are being fulfilled right in front of our eyes every day. You can watch the nightly news or read newspapers on one hand and read Bible on the other hand. Bible and world news go hand in hand these days. Amazing fulfillment of several Bible prophecies are observed even in our lifetime. Do you know Bible is the only book on this earth that did not come from the earth? There is no other book on the face of the earth that records prophecies that are fulfilled with pinpoint accuracy. You can go to ‘study Bible’ menu on this site and read some fulfilled prophecies.
You see, Bible came from heaven and God is the ultimate author of the Bible. Bible is written by different men of different times but it is God-breathed and inspired (2 Timothy 3:16) and the human authors of the Bible recorded exactly what God wanted to communicate to us. Though many human authors inspired by God wrote the book of Bible in so many different periods of human history, it is like one book from beginning to the end, with one common theme of how you can come to God and re-establish your lost fellowship and friendship with Him. It shows how you can get saved from your sins and live with God in heaven for all eternity.
Are you spending your time to read and understand this God-breathed book? Do you know what is God’s plan for your life? He has higher and divine plans and programs for you while you live on this earth! I sincerely hope you would be tagged by God for His unique purpose and plan on this earth. Shamgar was tagged by God at the right time and He used what he had and did what he can. That was his unique plan for his life. He was the judge raised by God to protect his people. Did you recognize yet what is your unique purpose of your life?
Human life doesn’t end at the age of 70 or 80. Bible authoritatively declares there is an eternity you and I will face at the time of our death. You need Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord. Nothing matters at the time of your death, my friend. Come to Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Savior because He loves you and paid for all of your sins on the cross of Calvary. There is only one way to God- Jesus Christ – because he paid for your sins by shedding His precious and holy blood to redeem you from your iniquities and sins.
If you are already a believer in Christ, are you using what you have for the purpose of the kingdom of God? Are you doing what you can? I heard many people complaining I don’t have this or that. But the lesson Shamgar teaching us is this –
Start where you are, with what you have, and do what you need to do with what you have, do not postpone for tomorrow and trust God. You will see God coming through your efforts. A world that desperately needs God’s love and salvation is there.
Do you know one of Satan’s deception? procrastination. Not today but later or tomorrow. Yes, I am sure this is his favorite deception. Bible says start today. Why? Tomorrow is not ours. We don’t know about tomorrow. Start today, use what you have today and do what you can today. Bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:2, “I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.”
The second deception of Satan is this-this is a big job. You can not do it. The work is too big for you. You better not even try. Shamgar could think like this as well, right? He had only an oxgoad and he took it and started using it to attack the Philistines and killed 600 of them and saved Israel. The marvelous and wonderful incident, right? Can you imagine in your mind Shamgar using his oxgoad and killing aggressive, warmongering 600 philistines? When he used what he had in his possession, God’s supernatural power stood behind him and with him to accomplish this victory.
God needs people like Shamgar today. God gave you talents. What are you doing with those talents? You may think that I have only one talent when my friends have three or five talents as Jesus said in the parable of the talents. You may think your talent is not great or charismatic. The one talent man hid his talent. He ignored it. Maybe he thought he got only one talent while others got three and five. He didn’t use it and got punishment because he had not used the one talent given to him to do the business. This was a ‘unique’ talent the master gave him but he simply ignored it. My dear friend, your one talent is not insignificant. It is very highly significant in the eyes of the Lord.
Be like Shamgar. Start today, use what you have in your possession and do what you can. You will see big harvest God is accomplishing in and through you.
Prayer time:
If you never accepted Jesus Christ who loved you and paid for all your sins so that you can get back in fellowship and friendship with God, today is the opportune time. Please do not procastinate any more and pray after me now. There is no guaranty for tomorrow. Please do not face with death without the savior on your side. Make that decision once and for all now.
“God, I know all my sins can be forgiven and I can get back with fellowship and friendship with you by believing Jesus Christ died, buried and risen for my sins. I believe in Christ and accept Him as my savior and Lord. Please save me. Amen.”
If you prayed this prayer, I annonce on the basis of the authority of the Bible that you are a child of God now and you are saved from the penalties and judgments of your sins and you have eternal life when you die.
Please go to contact/prayer menu and send me a note. I will be thrilled to hear from you.
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