Even demons testifies Jesus Christ as the Son of God and Messiah, but many people in this world are unwilling.
“What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” (Matthew 8:29)
“Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are the Son of God!” But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Messiah.” (Luke 4:41)
The demons do, but the majority of people don’t.
The above first question in Matthew 8:29 is asked by two men who were demon-possessed. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. The demons inside these two men were asking this question to Jesus Christ. Make a note of what these demons knew about Jesus Christ. The demons are calling Jesus Christ “Son of God”. They recognized Jesus Christ as the ‘Son of God.’
The second question is asked by many demons who came out of many people. In both of the above verses, the demons fully acknowledge who Jesus is, right? They make the statement Jesus is the Son of God on both occasions.
Many people in this world do not acknowledge this truth about Jesus Christ, do they? But mark it – demons do not just simply know this truth about Christ, but they publicly acknowledged in front of the people that Jesus is ‘the Son of God’. Think about it for a moment!
At least four categories of people when it comes to the topic of God.
Now, there are at least four different categories when it comes to their understanding and acknowledgment of God. These groups are Agnostic, skeptic, atheist, and theist. Per Merriam Webster dictionary defines the below definitions regarding each of these groups
1. An ‘agnostics’ is a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. In a broader sense, an ‘agnositc’ is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god.
2. A skeptic is a person who is “an adherent or advocate of skepticism”. They are in an attitude of doubt or in a disposition of uncertainty toward something. In other words, they are the skeptic in their hearts and belief because they approach with doubt and skepticism.
3. An Atheist is “a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods”. Not believing in God period!
4. A theist is a person who “believe in the existence of god or gods: Theist is he who “believe in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world.”
In one way, demons are theists and they know and acknowledge the truth.
Based on the above dictionary definition, the demons are not agnostics, atheist or even skeptic. They know the existence of God and they also know and stated the truth clearly and emphatically – Jesus is the Son of God.
An appointed time of torture and Judgement.
We also learn that demons not only know the truth about Christ and declared it, but also know there is an appointed severe future torture time waiting for them.
Based on the first verse above (Mathew 8:29) demons also knew there is an appointed torture time for them. So they are curious why Jesus Christ is now standing in their way prior to the future appointed torture time. Bible says in Revelation 20:10 the devil who deceived many will be thrown into the lake of fire along with all his demons. A huge multitude of people who will not come to Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and salvation will also be following him into the lake of fire which is the eternal hell. This happens at the time of the second coming of Christ. The demons understood Jesus was there prior to the appointed time of their judgments. You and me know the purpose of Christ’s first coming. The two-part coming of Jesus Christ is foretold in the Bible in the Old Testament and Jesus also predicted many times about His second coming in the New Testament. Jesus came into this world on that first Christmas day as our savior, to save us from our sin. Bible says in Matthew 1:21. “and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.” He lived a sinless life in this world and the purpose of His first coming was to give His holy life as a ransom for our sins. In other words, He came to save you and me from sins so that we do not need to go to hell. He was the lamb who was sacrificed for all of your sins as a fulfillment of old testament prophecies. God loves you and that is why God wants to save you from the horrible eternal hell. Do you know that the lake of fire or the eternal hell was not initially prepared for people? It was prepared for Devil and his demons. Revelation 20:10 says, “And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” But any person who would not respond to God’s loving call today (during this period of grace) are choosing their future destiny with devil and demons in the eternal hell.
Devil was the deceiver from the very beginning. He deceived Adam and Eve, our first parents and based on his deception, they did sin by disobeying God which resulted in this sinful fallen condition of all human beings. But the blood of Christ which was shed for you on the cross of Calvary delivers you from that sinful and fallen condition and its consequent eternal punishment. God loves you and wants to save you and that is why God sent His only begotten Son into this world.
My friend, you don’t need to go to eternal hell. Your future still is not hopeless like Devil and his demons. Hell is a place God prepared for Devil and his demons. But by virtue of not choosing the loving-kindness of God available in Christ Jesus and rejecting His call to come to Him for your salvation, your default place becomes hell. By not choosing God’s plan for your secure future, you are choosing eternal hell. Choice is yours. You will make one or the other choice before your death. Either you can accept the loving invitation of God in and through the person of Jesus Christ or you can reject His invitation and end up in eternity without God. God doesn’t want you to go there because He loves and that is why he offers you salvation today. God wants you to be with Him in heaven all through the eternity after your death here on this earth.
Demons are terribly afraid of their future horrible destiny.
As we alluded before even the demons are testifying Jesus Christ as the Son of God in the second verses quoted above as well. Let me restate that second verse here again.
“Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are the Son of God!” But he rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew he was the Messiah.”
You see, demons do not have any doubt about God, the divinity and the Son of God status of Jesus Christ. They are not agnostics. They are not skeptics. They are not atheists who say there is no God. On the contrary, they are actually theists (the one who believe God)- they know the truth about God and they know the truth about the Son of God.
Demons know the truth of God and they do tremble in fear.
Bible says in James 2:19, “Do you believe that there is only one God? Good! The demons also believe–and tremble with fear.” (Good news translation). They know the truth and they believe the truth. But their knowledge and truth make them tremble with fear. The incidents reporting by TV and News Papers tells us even the people do not have a real fear of God these days. But demons ‘tremble with fear’ when they think about God. Another translation says “they shudder”(New International translation and New American etc.) “Shudder” means, a person trembles convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion, shake, vibrate, palpitate etc.
The response of demons to God is fear and trembling because they know they are unable to reverse their future destiny. They do not have an opportunity to repent or change their future. Their destiny is sealed to the lake of fire. Bible says in Jude 1:6 their sealed destiny with no opportunity for repentance or potential escape. It says in Jude 1:6 that they are kept in gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day. The devil and his demons want to collect as many people with them to their final destination of eternal hell which was originally appointed for them.
Demons know Jesus is the promised Messiah.
Secondly, demons knew that Jesus was the promised Messiah for the salvation of the people. That is why it said “because they knew he (Jesus Christ) was the Messiah. I wonder why many people in this world do not understand or acknowledge this truth which the demons understand and acknowledge?
God does not need the testimony of demons because it comes out of their bitter and resented heart.
But the passage above also says Jesus rebuked the demons and would not allow them to speak. Why? The demons declared the truth about Jesus Christ- that He is the Son of God and the Messiah. However, Jesus rebuked them and would not allow them to speak. Is there a reason? You see the devil and demons do not tell the truth always. They are consistent deceivers and liars and they want to keep people in bondage. Jesus said this about the devil, “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Of course, out of trembling fear of the living and only true God, they declared Jesus is the Son of God and Messiah. But their natural behavior is deception and telling lies to the people to eventually destroy them and lead them to an eternity without God’s presence. Jesus does not want an attestation from the devil and his demons who generally speaks lies and deceives people. Jesus wants the testimony from His own children who accepted Him as their savior and Messiah. His children mean the people who came to Him and accepted Him as their savior from their sins. Aren’t they the right people who can testify Him in truth and experience and the Lord need their testimonies not the testimonies of the Devil or demons.
But God loves the testimony and praise of His redeemed people.
When demons testify Christ as the Son of God and Messiah, they do not and can not do it with a thankful and praise full heart because they do not have anything good or hopeful to look forward in future. They are filled with resentment and bitterness. But God purchases His dear believed children by the blood of Christ and these believers in Christ can testify Him with a heart full of gratitude. That is why Jesus rebuked the demons and would not allow them to speak and testify Him.
I testify my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am filled with gratitude and thankfulness for what He did for me. I am saved from the wrath of God by the blood of Christ. I could never gain salvation but He freely gave me by paying for all my sins. I praise the good Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for my sins on the cross. I thank Him for dying in my place to pay for and forgive my sin. I praise and thank Him for He delivered me from the kingdom of darkness and transferred me to the Kingdom of God’s beloved Son, Jesus Christ. God loved me and granted me eternal life with Him. Hallelujah and praise to God for His wonderful salvation He provided in and through Lord Jesus Christ.
My friend, Jesus Christ can transfer your future from torture and hell to heaven with Him. He lovingly calls you today. Please do not reject His call in your life. You saw even the demons testified Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Messiah. May I ask you a sincere question, what is that keeping you away from this revealed truth? Your eternity hangs in balance.
Will you accept Christ as your savior who loved you and died, buried and risen again for your salvation?
If so, please pray after me:
“God, I come to you in prayer. I believe you love me and gave Jesus Christ for my salvation. I accept Christ as my savior and Lord. I believe Jesus Christ died, buried and risen again for my sins. Please grant me eternal life with you. I do not want to go to eternal hell. I want to be safe in your presence. Amen.”
If you prayed this prayer, with the full authority of the Bible, I can say that you became a child of God. You are born again into God’s household and God forgave all your sins and granted you eternal life. Please find a Bible teaching and preaching church in your area and attend their meetings.
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