Pleasing God or People?
Listen to what Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 1:10. ” For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
At the final outset- It is that simple.
If you try to please people around, you- whether in your community- school, college, workplace, or even in church-you and I would not be a real servant of Christ. And consequently, resulting in not fulfilling God’s specific plans he planned for you. God created you uniquely with specific purposes for your life. Your community may not approve all God has in store for you. God want you to become exactly who He want you to be, so that He could accomplish all He purposed in your life.
Remember Moses refused to be known as the son of the daughter of Pharoah. Hebrews 11:24. That was a risky and challenging decision point in his life. However, when he grew up, the Bible says, he made the choice of pleasing God more than pleasing people around him. As a result, sadly, he had to experience much trouble for the next many long years-shepherding father in laws flocks and difficult life. However, God revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bushes at the opportune time and fulfilled the divine plans in his life.
Don’t you agree with me if I say this? Moses could fulfill God’s pre-planned purpose for his life, because of that one major decision of leaving the luxurious Egyptian palace by figuring out who he really is by refusing to please his familiar community. Alternatively, if Moses continued living in Egyptian court by an ambition of pleasing his familiar community and consequently living in lie, then he would not have been able to fulfill all God has in store for him.
May your goal be this – pleasing God.
If you continue living in pleasing others, I assume based on much Scriptural evidence that, probably you would not please God in fulfilling His purposes for your personal life.
Your ultimate purpose of life is to please God!