Daily Insight December 4
The deeper the hurt, the greater the progress of the Gospel.
“Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel.” Philippians 1:12.
The phrase ‘Turned out to be’ unfolds the ‘providence’ of God. The providence includes not only God’s protective and divine care and guidance, but it also includes timely preparation for future eventualities. He’s omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, transcendent, immanent, and holy involvement in people’s everyday lives and circumstances.
Apostle Paul says something essential for you and I to keep in mind. He says, “I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel.” The Epistle of Philippians was written from Roman imprisonment. Apparently, he talks about the recent changes or circumstances that occurred. The background here in the passage indicates Paul’s transfer from the hired house imprisonment (Acts 28:30) to a Praetorian camp where the Roman army’s elite troops were present. This recent transfer probably happened for the convenience of his trial that was pending. He is not sure how the trial is going to end up – in his favor or not, although he hoped it should turn out for his deliverance through the prayers of believers and by the provisions of the Holy Spirit (vs.19). Either way, he thinks he would be delivered because he said in verse 21, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” He also stated in verse 23 that he is hard-pressed between two options-his desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; or to remain living in the flesh for the sake of the believers and the Gospel.
If you check with Paul, I believe he would say God used his weak and low points in life to bring glory to Him. He would say when he was weak, ashamed, and at a low point, God used him for the greater progress of the Gospel. Not when he thought he had strength and power. Not when he felt he was doing good. You see, people appreciate and clap hands at your strength, power, and achievements. This awareness was great in Paul. He wrote in 2nd Corinthians 12 this, “But he (Jesus) said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.” Think of this. Jesus says His power is made perfect in weakness. His power is not made perfect in your power or strength. When you are weak, humiliated, suffering, and ashamed by life’s circumstances, then God infuses His power of grace in you.
Being in prison, in chains, and now going for trials is not a matter of honor or praiseworthy in front of people. However, the verses say Paul’s circumstances in Roman imprisonment and now in Praetorian camp turned out for the Gospel’s greater progress. How? It became clear to the whole palace guard his arrest was an unusual one. The entire royal palace guard and everyone in the palace came to know that he was in the chain for Jesus Christ. It was not a small thing Paul’s arrest made Jesus Christ is known to the royal palace and its royal guards. It turned out to be a publicity campaign for the name of Jesus Christ right inside the palace. As a result, even the emperor’s household became believers. (Philippians 4:22). The emperor or Caesar’s name was Nero at that time, one of the most notorious criminals who persecuted the believers in Jesus. Many of his households became followers of Jesus. Secondly, the believers in Christ became more confident and dare to preach the Gospel when they understood that Paul is in the chain. They were under the surveillance of Nero. But Paul’s chain brought confidence and courage to preach the Gospel all the more. No wonder Paul says my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the Gospel.
Beloved, do not live in self-pity when life throws bad things at you. What was the occasion of your most painful hurt and frustration? That is the source of your message, ministry, and the progress of the Gospel. Do not ignore it. Do not hide from it. Do not run away from it. Ask God to turn your weakness, shame, and pains around for the greater progress of His Gospel. Remember -your powerful message and ministry come out of your weaknesses, not out of your strength or outwardly looking good stuff. The world got it oppositely. However, God’s kingdom does not operate the way the world works.
“Father in heaven, I want my circumstances to turn around for the greater progress of your Gospel. I submit my life to you. Take my pains, hurts, and make it something glorious for your name out of it all. I believe Jesus is my savior who died and rose again for my sins to give me a future, hope, salvation, and eternal life. I invite Jesus to my life. Please save me and use me for your name. In christ’s name, I pray. Amen.”