Daily Insight May 7
To experience miracles, walk on His word.
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came toward Jesus.” (Matthew 14:29)
The disciple’s boat was buffeted by waves because of strong winds. In the midst of this dangerous condition in the middle of the lake, Jesus did not leave them alone. He walked toward the boat on the water. When Peter recognized it was Jesus, he said if it is you tell me to come to you on the water. Jesus said come and Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water, and came to Jesus.
In the middle of your life’s dangerous struggles and problems, do you consider asking Jesus’s permission to come to Him? In fact, their boat was about to sink because of the waves and winds. But Peter said Jesus, I want to come to you. You see if Jesus is there with you, you are going to be safe and secure no matter how strong the waves are in the water. You should go to Jesus in the midst of your problems and struggles.
Jonah the prophet faced the roaring sea due to his disobedience. However, do you know in today’s insight, the disciples did exactly what Jesus asked them to do. Still, they faced strong winds and dangerous waves and the boat was about to sink. Verse 22 says after the miracles of five thousand people fed with five loaves and two fishes, “Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.” Do you know you can face dangerous waves and winds even when you are fully obedient to Him? It says immediately after getting them into the boat and making them go to another side of the lake, it says Jesus by Himself went up to the mountainside to pray. Jesus knew what he was up to. Jesus was deepening their faith and trust in Him. While they were buffeting the dangerous waves, Jesus was interceding for them in prayer. The lesson they learned was this -no matter what happens, Jesus Christ is all-sufficient for them. They learned the lesson well. Peter late wrote from his own experience, “Dear friends, your faith is going to be tested as if it were going through the fire. Do not be surprised at this. Be happy that you are able to share some of the sufferings of Christ. When His shining-greatness is shown, you will be filled with much joy.” (1 Peter 4:12-13). NLV. He also wrote, “Give all your worries to Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 NLV.
Secondly, do you know Peter was walking not on the water, but He was walking on the words of Jesus? He stepped out upon the words of Jesus when he heard ‘come’. Jesus will have a word in the midst of your severe painful circumstances. He has a divine plan and purpose in the midst of your severe circumstances. You and I should walk upon His word forgetting the dangerous circumstances surrounding you. The waves and winds did not stop Peter from going to Jesus. In fact, Peter walked on the water as Jesus did – great miracle happened in his life. When you walk on the words of Jesus, you will be up to a miracle. You see the winds and waves of our life can work in two ways – either it can drive us to Jesus or we can sit in the sinking boat without going to Him and end up perishing. The choice is ours.
I would rather go to Jesus in the middle of my problems than sitting in a sinking boat. How about you? Tell him the problem you are facing. Listen to what he says and then walk on His words. You would accomplish miracles upon His word. He will deliver you from your problems and you and others in your life would worship Him. Not only just Peter, but those who were in the boat also said about Jesus -you are the Son of God and they all worshipped Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God. He is your savior as well.
Beloved, Got a moment for today’s prayer? Please pray after me.
My father in heaven, I bring my problems and pains to Jesus Christ, my savior who died, buried, and risen again for my sins. I acknowledge Jesus Christ as the Son of God. (Now tell your problems to the Lord in your own words). I believe Jesus Christ is my savior who can save me deliver me from all of my problems. I come to you Lord seeking your help and deliverance. Please save me now. Thank you for your deliverance and salvation. Amen.